With Yoga for the Sensitive Soul I provide accessible, heart-centered yoga classes that help you release stress, stretch and strengthen your body, and embrace who you are as a highly sensitive person. With this approach I add depth to my teaching by weaving in topics essential to the wellbeing of HSPs through each yoga class. I am known for my gentle encouragement, healing presence and for providing a supportive environment to help HSP's prioritize their wellness.
I offer public and private livestream yoga classes as well as on-demand classes and a monthly membership. Sign up for my email list to be the first to know about upcoming classes or contact me to schedule a private session.
I also teach a weekly in-person Warm Flow class on Fridays at 12pm at Resonance Yoga in Amherst, MA.
Join the Monthly Membership!
The Monthly Membership Includes:
A Free 7-Day Trial Period
Access to full on-demand video library of 185+ classes of different styles and lengths. Your access is unlimited and each month the library grows!
Access to all livestream classes
All classes tailored especially for highly sensitive people (& friends!)
All for just $24 a month
Praise for Yoga For the Sensitive Soul
“Christie Rosen what a beautiful practice. I love how my body feels after doing these with you. You just have something extra special about you. It’s like a light inside of you, the way you describe things and what a beautiful voice you have too. Your practice is just lovely. How VERY special to have yoga created for HSPs by an HSP! ❤️ Such a gift to give ourselves and our bodies. We appreciate you and are grateful for your beautiful practice."
Julie Bjelland, HSP Psychotherapist, Author and Sensitivity Expert
"Christie's classes are so wonderful on so many levels. Her kindness, care, and compassion shine through as she guides us gently through poses to restore and support our sensitive bodies and nervous systems. As we hold the poses she shares her wisdom on life as a sensitive person, always reminding us that our self care is different and so needed. She supports me in supporting my body, mind, and soul and always from a place of empowerment, reminding me to go inward for answers. I am so grateful to have found her and attend her classes! It's amazing to have a yoga teacher who understands, from her own experience, what living in a sensitive body feels like and what it needs. I highly recommend Christie!"
Nicole Justine Reid, Spiritual Guide and Teacher, Writer, Poet, Artist, and Creator
"Hi Christie! I wanted to thank you for such a beautiful class today!! 🙏💗 It was really wonderful!! I loved your energy! So calming and gentle. I enjoyed so much listening to your beautiful words while doing the poses. And like I said, you truly sing like an angel! your voice brought tears to my eyes! What a fantastic unexpected surprise! 💜 Thank you!
Yoga can seem a bit intimidating for some sensitive people and a gentle approach like yours is really needed for us to be able to experience such a healing practice. Thank you for giving sensitives souls that option! 💗"
Angela Hernandez, Miami FL
"This. Was. Amazing. I haven't felt this grounded and in tune with my body in... too long. Beautiful. Just beautiful. The energy behind Christie's singing toward the end, especially, is so soothing, calming, and replenishing. The energy of the whole group was just perfect today, too. Thank you so much! Namaste 🙏"
Tom C. Warsaw, VA
"I really loved Christie’s yoga class for highly sensitive people. It was the most soothing and grounding gentle yoga class I’ve ever taken. It was just what I needed and it reinvigorated my interest in yoga and mindfulness. 10/10"
Sheri Kaplin, Psychotherapist, East Providence, RI
Praise for In-Person Yoga
"Christie was the first instructor I ever had who really taught me how to do yoga properly in a way that would let me fully experience its many benefits. Her exercises are mentally soothing as well as being physically invigorating. I come away from her classes knowing that I’ve had a thorough workout yet I never feel tortured or stressed. She intersperses new postures with old so her classes never get tedious or boring. She gives each of her students personal attention, varying postures and exercises based on individual flexibility and skill levels.
Christie has a thorough knowledge of yoga and its underlying physiology. She is a wonderfully talented and extremely personable young woman. She has a people-oriented teaching style coupled with a relaxing demeanor and calming personality.Thanks to Christie, my overall physical condition has improved dramatically. Since starting her classes I bend lower, stretch further, balance better, and stand taller.
Christie’s yoga class has become the focal point of my weekly exercise routine. I will do anything to avoid missing it. I cannot praise Christie highly enough."

Gary K. Wolf - Creator of Roger Rabbit
"As an out-of-towner, I was fortunate to find Christie's class. From that class, I came away impressed with Christie as a person and yoga teacher. I have taken more of Christie's classes on subsequent visits, to Boston.
Christie really connects with people. She is friendly, welcoming and has positive energy. I appreciate how she introduces herself, before class, and gets to know the students. After class, Christie makes herself available to answer any questions or just chat.
From beginning to end, Christie makes the overall yoga experience fun. As a teacher, Christie is very knowledgeable about yoga and gets students into poses in a safe way with great instruction. Christie is open to taking requests so each class is different. Whether your practice is beginner/intermediate/advanced level, she can create a class that will satisfy all. Her classes flow so well and she has a great play list too. Also, I've picked up many 'new-to-me' poses/moves which I suggested to my teachers back home...Boston area Yogis, treat yourself to a class with Christie!"

Aytin Atchu, IT Professional
"Christie is a wonderful teacher who always has a very thoroughly prepared, fun class. Her ability to choreograph a class that seamlessly takes you from a meditative warm-up through a physically challenging workout is inspiring and has led her to develop a serious following at the studio where I attend her class. She also effortlessly leads students into new poses and always provides several variations that cater to the wildly differing levels of skill and experience in the class. She is also kind, caring, cheerful and sensitive. A fantastic instructor!"
Carla Barrett, JD, Supervising Attorney with the MA Public Defenders Office

"Christie is amazing! Christie Rosen's yoga classes are my all-time favorite classes to attend. They are relaxing and challenging at the same time and provide a wonderful reset for both my body and mind. Christie's easy to follow cues and gentle adjustments make her classes flow easily and organically. When she offers challenging poses, she always offers alternatives and encourages her students to do what feels right in the moment. Sometimes a longer shavasana is more beneficial than wheel pose and by choosing what I feel is right for me that day, I always walk away from Christie's classes feeling relaxed and refreshed. Christie is amazing and I highly recommend her yoga classes!"

Nora Dragovic, Ph.D. Geologist
"Christie is warm and lovely with a wonderful manner, and was easily able to accommodate our two very different skill and ability levels, and somehow managed to keep us focused and on task (we lean to chatty, this niece and I). Christie’s home studio was equipped with blocks, bands and blankets to help with proper positioning, and I did so appreciate the care she takes to make sure each pose is thoughtfully and properly executed. Christie is an incredible instructor – kind, patient, caring and knowledgeable. What a great and gentle reintroduction to an activity I love and will definitely continue."

Nancy Brown, Freelance Writer
"I've tried many different classes and instructors and I can say without a doubt that I have taken more from Christie's classes than any other that I have been to. She really is best yoga instructor I've ever had. Especially when I was going through a difficult time personally, Christie's classes always uplifted me by restoring my feelings of peace, strength, and faith in my own power. She is incredibly intuitive and in touch with the needs of the students in her classes, which in my mind is the mark of an outstanding yoga instructor. I loved everything about her classes, down to the music, and looked forward to them every week!"

Caroline Bader, M.D.