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March Yoga & Maternity Leave Update!

Hi Sensitive Souls,


I am now 9 months pregnant (36 weeks!) and my life is about to change forever! I have been busy pre-recording 7 new yoga classes for you for while I am on maternity leave. My plan is for my last live class to be March 12th (assuming I don't go into labor before then) and then I will be taking time to be with my baby (and letting my body recover) for April, May and June. 


Although I will not be live with you during that time, I will still have a class each Tuesday at 12pm. Some will be new, and will say (Pre-Recored NEW) and some will be replays that I have hand selected and will say (Pre-Recorded REPLAY). If you are a regular Tuesday student, I highly recommended you stick to this schedule and stay consistent with your practice. To sign up for these classes, simply sign up in the same way you would any livestream class: I will send out monthly update emails, but I am not planning to send weekly class reminder emails for these classes. You can always check the live schedule to confirm classes.


Whether I am live with you or not, I always highly encourage you to use the on-demand library. My intention with the membership has really been for you to be able to practice on your own, anytime, with the live classes being a supplement to the extensive 150+ class on-demand library. If you have trouble motivating yourself (which is totally normal), take time to contemplate why you practice and the benefits you get. Make a list and put them up somewhere you will see them often (like your bathroom mirror). Choose a time each day (or a few times a week), read the list and get on your mat. Even if you practice for 10 minutes, you will still gain benefit. (Remember to check out the Quick Stress Relief category for classes all under 10 mins!)


Please don't hesitate to reach out with any and all questions! 


With love & sensitivity, 



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