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Empowered Sensitivity
8-Lesson Online Program

Online Program for Highly Sensitive Person
Self-Paced Format! 

Are you a highly sensitive person, empath and/or deep feeler who wants to stop feeling like your sensitivity is a weakness and instead see it as a gift?


Using methods from my book, Empowering the Sensitive Soul, as well as many new techniques, the Empowered Sensitivity program will guide you on a journey from feeling overwhelmed by your sensitivity, to finding strength and confidence in your sensitive gifts. I will help you to embrace self-compassion, balance your sensitive nervous system and step into your power as a sensitive soul.


Through this program you will gain the knowledge and tools to help create a lifetime of empowered sensitivity. It is absolutely possible to be both sensitive and strong, but you must first learn to trust and honor your sensitive body and to love yourself for who you are. You must learn to be your own biggest supporter and not judge yourself based on the standards set by non-sensitive people.


As a sensitive soul, you are unique, and to thrive, you are meant to travel a unique path. Now is the time to find that path. The world needs the empowered you!

Disempowered Sensitivity

Disempowered Sensitivity


  1. Not listening to your body’s messages and consistently becoming exhausted or overwhelmed

  2. Difficulty balancing your nervous system – chronic stress, anxiety and/or fear

  3. Not having clear boundaries and focusing more on pleasing others than supporting yourself

  4. Difficulty being present in the moment – often stuck in fear of the future or worry about the past

  5. Feeling emotionally reactive and out of control of your responses 

  6. Feeling not good enough and not accepting yourself for who you are

  7. Blaming yourself for your struggles, expecting yourself to be perfect

  8. Indecisiveness and inaction, lack of trust in yourself

  9. Difficulty trying new things and experiencing life fully

  10. Having a generally negative mindset about yourself and your life

  11. Not sharing your gifts with the world fully or living your purpose


Empowered Sensitivity

Empowered Sensitivity


  1. Listening to your body’s messages with love and giving yourself what you need to prevent becoming exhausted or overwhelmed

  2. Ability to balance your nervous system and relax again easily after feeling stressed

  3. Setting clear boundaries and say no to what does not serve you

  4. Ability to easily find mindful awareness and enjoy the present moment

  5. Ability to thoughtfully respond to a situation rather than reacting emotionally

  6. Appreciating and loving yourself for who you are, knowing you are enough

  7. Being compassionate with yourself for your struggles and embracing imperfection

  8. Decisiveness, taking aligned action and trusting yourself

  9. Ability to try to new things and step out of your comfort zone

  10. Having a positive mindset about yourself and your life

  11. Ability to share your sensitive gifts with the world and live your purpose

Empowered Sensitivity Topics:


Lesson 1: Embrace Who You Are as a Highly Sensitive Person 

Lesson 2: Cultivate Self-Compassion

Lesson 3: Regulate Your Sensitive Nervous System

Lesson 4: Listen to Your Body's Messages with Love

Lesson 5: Practice Self-Care Rituals and Healthy Habits

Lesson 6: Develop Mindful Awareness

Lesson 7: Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

Lesson 8: Create Your Empowered Future






Empowered Sensitivity

Your Program Includes:

Empowered Sensitivity Video Lessons

Video Lessons

Eight Empowered Sensitivity lessons (10+ hours of content broken up into 20-50 minute videos)

Yoga for Highly Sensitive People

Yoga Classes

Four Yoga classes designed especially for highly sensitive people

Meditation for HSP'S


Specially made meditations to go along with each lesson (15+ meditations)

HSP Workbook


A 60+ page PDF workbook with journal prompts, meditation guidance and intentions for each lesson

Why People LOVE this Program:

"I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for this course. It simply changed my life, my outlook, my mindset completely. Christie has such a beautiful way of stating things and helping other sensitive souls. Her clear, gentle, and loving way will eventually make its way into your heart. She speaks from her own personal experience, which I found to be incredibly grounding and helpful. She's been there, too. She articulates herself so well, filled with truly wise and profound guidance about how to live a fulfilled, whole-hearted life as a sensitive soul.

What I loved so much is how much Christie was speaking directly to me the whole time. I couldn't believe it. Everything she said rang so true. Everything. I kept thinking: how does she know this about me? I've taken other courses and programs, but none spoke directly to and about sensitive people, from a sensitive person herself, and this is what truly made all the difference and set this program apart from others in my mind. I loved every single week. Every single one. Each week was filled with magical takeaways that I take deep into heart.  I can't begin to thank Christie enough.

The value of this program is priceless. I plan on coming back to it for the rest of my life. It's like having a best friend in your back pocket. If you give yourself to this program, it will change you. The more you listen and follow through with what she suggests, the more you will come out of it a different person for the better. You will truly begin to love yourself and see your sensitivity as a gift, and become more grateful, grounded, and more able to handle your own feelings and see what really matters. I couldn't recommend this program enough."


- Lauren Kanner, Speech Language Pathologist and Reading Specialist

"I love Christie’s work! This is her calling! She is not only a great teacher but also a kind and caring healer! I am an open heart ICU nurse and during this pandemic time, I have such anxiety every day to go to work. Her course has inspired me so much and also taught me so many methods to confront and deal with it. And it was a start knowing I can take care of myself, too, while taking care of others. Now I have another challenge I am going through but with Yoga and Christie’s methods, I feel I will be able to handle it! I cannot express my gratitude enough! Christie has been a peaceful harbor and an anchor during this uncertain stormy time. I am so glad I got to know her and got the chance to attend her classes! I will always utilize her methods throughout my life."


- Ping Tasi, ICU Nurse

"The Empowered Sensitivity program was so enlightening! I found validation for a lot of feelings and personality traits that I've found unusual over the years and that in itself was a huge help! I will be eternally grateful to Christie for taking the time to create the course and so beautifully share facts and strategies about being a highly sensitive person with such patience and detail. I genuinely appreciate Christie and I want the world to know how amazing her course is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"


- Hia Gosh, Information and Computer Sciences Teaching Associate 

Program Overview

Lesson 1: Embrace Who You Are as a Highly Sensitive Person 

  • Understand your sensitive self – all about the trait of high sensitivity

  • The gifts and challenges of being highly sensitive

  • The power of story and seeing your sensitivity in a positive light



Lesson 2: Cultivate Self-Compassion

  • What self-compassion really is and the many benefits of practice

  • How to spot the inner critic and quiet it down

  • Techniques to be more compassionate and loving toward yourself



Lesson 3: Regulate Your Sensitive Nervous System

  • Understand the highly sensitive nervous system

  • Basic nervous system biology and the Polyvagal Theory of stress

  • Techniques to balance the nervous system and de-stress daily



Lesson 4: Listen to Your Body's Messages with Love

  • The power of embodiment and allowing your feelings rather than resisting them

  • Learn to trust your body's messages and follow through on what your body needs

  • Balance your energy and connect more deeply to yourself



Lesson 5: Practice Self-Care Rituals and Healthy Habits

  • The power of daily self-care rituals and routines for the sensitive system

  • Healthy living guidelines for sensitive souls

  • Habit formation and lifestyle changes vs. quick fixes



Lesson 6: Develop Mindful Awareness

  • The benefits of being mindful vs. having a “full” mind

  • The power of mindfulness to respond rather than react to life

  • Simple and effective mindfulness techniques to bring you into the present moment



Lesson 7: Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

  • Discover your empowering vs. disempowering thoughts

  • Become aware of your limiting beliefs and negative programming

  • Interrupt your old thought patterns and choose new empowering possibilities



Lesson 8: Create Your Empowered Future

  • Truly stand in your power as a sensitive soul (figuratively and literally!)

  • Embrace the beauty of imperfection

  • Move into the future with strength and confidence, knowing sensitivity is a gift

Self-Compassion for HSP's


  • Greater health and wellbeing

  • Better emotional regulation

  • Greater resilience to stress

  • More energy and vitality

  • Greater self-compassion

  • Better sleep

  • Increased confidence and self-trust

  • Improved relationships

  • More capacity to live your purpose

  • Greater trust in the process of life

  • A brighter future

Benefits of Empowered Sensitivity:

More than ever, the world is in great need of compassionate, caring sensitive souls to step forward and share their gifts. The stronger we become, the more we are able to share. I know first-hand what it’s like to be an extremely sensitive soul in an often insensitive world, and it is my greatest joy to help other sensitive souls like myself find strength in who they are and step forward into their future with confidence.

Special Bonuses!

As a special thank you for all those who sign-up, you will receive:


Bonus #1: A digital copy of my book, Empowering the Sensitive Soul.


Bonus #2: A guided welcome video meditation to help you love and appreciate your sensitive self!  


Bonus #3: A special Self-Compassion Yoga class


HSP Program Discount

Save $51

(Regularly $495)

Join for $444 with promo code: SAVE444

Frequently Asked Questions:


What is a highly sensitive person?

Highly sensitive people have a more finely tuned sensitive nervous system. If you are highly sensitive you feel deeply and often experience heightened awareness of the senses – touch, taste, smell, sound. You may experience strong emotions and you are often creative, intuitive, compassionate and extremely empathetic. You can be more easily affected by stress and tend to need a lot of time away from the chaos of the world to recover and balance. You may become overwhelmed more easily than the average non-highly sensitive person and may be considered quiet, introverted or shy (although about 30% of highly sensitive people are extroverts). As a highly sensitive person you also likely respond more strongly to positive experiences, such as self-care, pleasure and relaxing environments.


According to the psychologist Elaine Aron, who has done extensive work to bring the trait of high sensitivity to light, about 20% of people (including myself!) are highly sensitive. If any of this description resonated with you, maybe you are, too!


If so, this program is for you!



How do I know if I am highly sensitive?

Are you easily affected by the moods of others and/or the energy in the environment?

Do you frequently feel stressed, anxious or highly emotional?

Are you sensitive to foods, fabrics, noises, chemicals, and/or smells?

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed and need to retreat to a quiet place to rest?

Have friends and family ever told you to “stop being so sensitive!”?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are most likely a highly sensitive person (or as I like to say, a sensitive soul). You can also take Elaine Aron's test, Are You Highly Sensitive? to gain more insight.



I love the sound of this program, but I often have low energy and am overwhelmed easily. Will I still be able to participate?

Yes, absolutely. This program was created specifically for the needs of sensitive souls and I focus on quality content over quantity to give you the best information while minimizing overwhelm. The is a self-paced program, so you can always go at your own pace, and/or take a break and come back to it when you feel ready. There is absolutely no pressure or rush in any way. 



I am new to yoga. Will the yoga classes be okay for a beginner?

Yes, the yoga is geared toward all bodies and experience levels and there are always options for modifications/extra rest. There will be one class that is a little more active than the others but it is something you can work up to when you are ready. Over all, my approach to yoga is one of gentleness, self-compassion and feeling good in your body, so there is never any pressure to perform or push beyond your limit.



What are the terms and conditions for this program? 

Please go here for an overview of the program terms and conditions.



What if I am still unsure if this program is right for me?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally to get any question answered or help me ease any of your concerns. Based on our discussion, I am happy to let you know if I feel this program is the right fit for you. Simply email me at or fill out this form below.

Thanks! Message sent.

Although many challenges can come with being sensitive, I am a firm believer that sensitive does NOT mean weak. With the right tools, knowledge and practices in place, you can learn to step out of survival mode and into thriving. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and self-critical, you can learn to harness the power of your sensitivity, to love and appreciate your sensitive strengths, and to take care of your sensitive body in a way that allows you to thrive in the world rather than wanting to hide from it. You can find empowered sensitivity. 

To your health and empowerment!





Christie J. Rosen

Wellness Coach, Yoga Instructor

and Award Winning Author of Empowering the Sensitive Soul

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Download the Free Guide: 7-Steps to Self-Love for the Sensitive Soul

© 2024 Christie Rosen

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